
Eat = Paint

"You are what you eat" is a paraphrase of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin's words. And what's more, not only what you eat, but also what you put on your scalp or skin is absorbed and becomes part of your body. By the way, if the "ease of absorption" of the inside of your arm is 1, the scalp absorbs 3.5 times, the forehead absorbs 6 times, and the cheeks absorb 13 times. Therefore , LHOOQ believes that the act of putting or applying something on the scalp or skin is the same as the act of eating.

We are often asked, "Why is LHOOQ made with 100% natural ingredients?" Our answer is, "Would you want to eat or apply petroleum?"
Petroleum-derived cosmetic ingredients are guaranteed to be safe, so it is completely different from applying petroleum, but LHOOQ does not use any petroleum-derived ingredients.
